Ghost Writing is an installation at Factatory in Lyon, France. It is an investigation, an experiment and a typographical game of the intentionally designed imperfections.
I designed a digital font which I disassembled into pieces. I cut out parts of letters from wood with a laser cut machine, thus I could use the wooden blocks as stamps. The purpose was to compose accidents by pasting together the letter parts freely but still keeping them readable. I composed words from the wooden blocks and using black ink, and I stamped them onto white sheets of tulle. The transparency of the tulle texture has brought about a unique effect, so that’s where the ‘ghost writing’ title comes from. The distance between layers of the transparent textile create a sense of space which is increased by the constant movement of the stamped characters. Part of the installation is a wall of randomly arranged letters printed on paper. It influences the sense of the space in the room and is in dialogue the tulle sheets.
These letters function as an unusual specimen of intentional imperfections.